“Why is this happening to me?”, “What wrong have I done?”, “My life is hell” – we must have heard a lot of people saying this when things seem to go wrong. Yes, life does look miserable at times, especially at times when nothing seems to be working out fine. But it also exposes you to some practical insights. Let these testing times strengthen you enough to fight back the crisis. Motivation, confidence, faith, optimism and so on are among the many things that a person learns during such phases. However, one more revelation that a person has during such times is, about the people around him/her who claim to be the best of friends or strongest support. It is very disheartening when you really want somebody to be there for you and support you and they let you down. Surprisingly, other people who matter but whom you least expect to help, come forward to extend their wholehearted support. And thus, in these really trying times you know who your real friends are. It portrays a clear distinct...